Our Value Added Services
Service Objective: Provide Decision Quality Information That Will Reduce Cost and Improve Profitability
On Target’s value added Services quickly and efficiently deliver sustainable results to your organization. Our Services not only provide your organization with a return on investment (see our 10X Guarantee), but also enable on-going continuous improvement. Each of our Services leverage our proven DARTTM Solution Model which enables your organization to Know Your Costs, Know Your Profits.

Summary of Services

Advanced Costing Analysis
- Product/Service Costing
- Customers/Supplier Cost to Serve
- Value Added Activity Analysis
- Landed Costing/Inventory Carrying Cost
- Activity Based Budgeting/Forecasting
- Cost Reduction Opportunities/Prioritization

Technology Selection and Integration
- Business Requirements Documentation
- Current/Future Architectural Design
- Data Mapping, Analysis, Rationalization
- ROI/Project Plan Development
- Project Management (PMO)
- Change Management/Training/Standard Work

Operational Excellence
- Process Improvement (BPR)
- Supply Chain Optimization (Procure to Pay)
- Order Fill Optimization (Order to Cash)
- Throughput and Value Stream Analysis
- Lean Manufacturing/TPS
- Warehouse/Manufacturing Layout Design
- Workforce Analysis and Staff Augmentation (C-Level, Mid-Manger)

Performance Management
- Profitability Analysis
- Linking Strategy to Measurement
- KPI/Metric/Scorecard Development
- Managing with Metrics/Culture Change
- Development/Integration of CIP Program
- Project Management of Improvement Initiatives
OTPG Leverages Our Proven DARTTM Solutions Model When Delivering Results to Clients

Our DARTTM Solution Model (Discover, Analyze, Recommend, Take Action) is rooted in Lean Six Sigma principles that comprehensively considers, aligns, and coordinates improvements across people, processes, and technology.
* Our 10X Guarantee: Our Solutions target cost and profitability improvements of 10 times our fees,
and a payback of 6 months.